Are you graduating from college and getting ready to step into the real world? Do you have a ton of federal student loan debt that you know is about to start being due? There are good ways to pay this debt off and there are ways that are not so good. You need to know all your options and here they are.
First, you should know what to do if you cannot make your cost or something happens and you know it will be difficult to make your payments for a while. There are options to help you get through any difficult financial times and they do not hurt your credit. These options are very important to understand so that you can keep your reputation rating and still get your loans paid back.
Federal trainee Loan Debt - Paying Off Your College Loans!
So those options that you can use to put your federal student loan debt on pause are deferment and forbearance. Deferment has two options and one of them is for going back to school. The other is for up to 2 years and you basically do not have to make payments. It also does not consequent your reputation rating. Forbearance is for 6 months at a time and is for financial hardship like unemployment.
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